Relocation Service Coordination - Targeted Case Management (RSC-TCM)

Robland provides comprehensive relocation service coordination through Targeted Case Management (RSC-TCM) and Moving Home Minnesota (MHM), offering personalized support, transition planning, and resource identification to help individuals navigate life transitions and move from institutional settings to community-based living.
Waiver Services

Robland offers a range of waiver services including Basic Support Services (24-hour emergency assistance, adult companion services, homemaker, night supervision, respite care, individual community living support, individualized home supports), Intervention Support Services (positive supports, specialist services, In-Home Support Services (semi-independent living skills, individualized home supports with training, individualized home supports with family training)
Community First Services and Supports (CFSS)

Robland CFSS agent: will be provided by the client’s participant agent model. In this model, support workers will be employed either by agency providers or directly by the participant.
Support workers must enroll with the Department of Human Services, complete a background study, and meet all other requirements. Agency providers must support the participant in selecting an agency……

At Robland Home Health Care, our mission is to ensure that seniors, young adults, and disabled individuals, along with their loved ones, receive the support and resources necessary to maintain their independence and safety in their own homes and communities. We specialize in facilitating the transition from institutional settings to community-based environments, empowering our clients to choose their own path in their care journey. Regardless of the challenges they may encounter, we are committed to providing the tools and resources needed to successfully transition back to the community and support their continued living in the community. This commitment ensures that every individual, regardless of age or ability, has the opportunity to live safely and independently in the comfort of their community.